Package 'crisp'

Title: Fits a Model that Partitions the Covariate Space into Blocks in a Data- Adaptive Way
Description: Implements convex regression with interpretable sharp partitions (CRISP), which considers the problem of predicting an outcome variable on the basis of two covariates, using an interpretable yet non-additive model. CRISP partitions the covariate space into blocks in a data-adaptive way, and fits a mean model within each block. Unlike other partitioning methods, CRISP is fit using a non-greedy approach by solving a convex optimization problem, resulting in low-variance fits. More details are provided in Petersen, A., Simon, N., and Witten, D. (2016). Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(94): 1-31 <>.
Authors: Ashley Petersen
Maintainer: Ashley Petersen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-15 04:09:12 UTC

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crisp: A package for fitting a model that partitions the covariate space into blocks in a data-adaptive way.


This package is called crisp for "Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions", which considers the problem of predicting an outcome variable on the basis of two covariates, using an interpretable yet non-additive model. CRISP partitions the covariate space into blocks in a data-adaptive way, and fits a mean model within each block. Unlike other partitioning methods, CRISP is fit using a non-greedy approach by solving a convex optimization problem, resulting in low-variance fits. More details are provided in Petersen, A., Simon, N., and Witten, D. (2016). Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(94): 1-31 <>.


The main functions are: (1)crisp and (2)crispCV. The first function crisp fits CRISP for a sequence of tuning parameters and provides the fits for this entire sequence of tuning parameters. The second function crispCV considers a sequence of tuning parameters and provides the fits, but also returns the optimal tuning parameter, as chosen using K-fold cross-validation.


## Not run: 
#general example illustrating all functions
#see specific function help pages for details of using each function

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)
#plot the mean model for the scenario from which we generated data

#fit model for a range of tuning parameters, i.e., lambda values
#lambda sequence is chosen automatically if not specified
crisp.out <- crisp(X = data$X, y = data$y)
#or fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

#summarize all of the fits
#or just summarize a single fit
#we examine the fit with an index of 25. that is, lambda of
summary(crisp.out, lambda.index = 25)
#lastly, we can summarize the fit chosen using cross-validation
#and also plot the cross-validation error
#the lambda chosen by cross-validation is also available using

#plot the estimated relationships between two predictors and outcome
#do this for a specific fit
plot(crisp.out, lambda.index = 25)
#or for the fit chosen using cross-validation

#we can make predictions for a covariate matrix with new observations
#new.X with 20 observations <- = 20, scenario = 2)
new.X <-$X
#these will give the same predictions:
yhat1 <- predict(crisp.out, new.X = new.X, lambda.index = crispCV.out$
yhat2 <- predict(crispCV.out, new.X = new.X)

## End(Not run)

Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions (CRISP).


This function implements CRISP, which considers the problem of predicting an outcome variable on the basis of two covariates, using an interpretable yet non-additive model. CRISP partitions the covariate space into blocks in a data-adaptive way, and fits a mean model within each block. Unlike other partitioning methods, CRISP is fit using a non-greedy approach by solving a convex optimization problem, resulting in low-variance fits. More details are provided in Petersen, A., Simon, N., and Witten, D. (2016). Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(94): 1-31 <>.


crisp(y, X, q = NULL, lambda.min.ratio = 0.01, n.lambda = 50,
  lambda.seq = NULL, rho = 0.1, e_abs = 10^-4, e_rel = 10^-3,
  varyrho = TRUE, = FALSE)



An n-vector containing the response.


An n x 2 matrix with each column containing a covariate.


The desired granularity of the CRISP fit, M.hat, which will be a q by q matrix. M.hat is a mean matrix whose element M.hat[i,j] contains the mean for pairs of covariate values within a quantile range of the observed predictors X[,1] and X[,2]. For example, M.hat[1,2] represents the mean of the observations with the first covariate value less than the 1/q-quantile of X[,1], and the second covariate value between the 1/q- and 2/q-quantiles of X[,2]. If left NULL, then q=n is used when n<100, and q=100 is used when n>=100. We recommend using q<=100 as higher values take longer to fit and provide an unneeded amount of granularity.


The smallest value for lambda.seq, as a fraction of the maximum lambda value, which is the data-derived smallest value for which the fit is a constant value. The default is 0.01.


The number of lambda values to consider - the default is 50.


A user-supplied sequence of positive lambda values to consider. The typical usage is to calculate lambda.seq using lambda.min.ratio and n.lambda, but providing lambda.seq overrides this. If provided, lambda.seq should be a decreasing sequence of values, since CRISP relies on warm starts for speed. Thus fitting the model for a whole sequence of lambda values is often faster than fitting for a single lambda value.


The penalty parameter for our ADMM algorithm. The default is 0.1.

e_abs, e_rel

Values used in the stopping criterion for our ADMM algorithm, and discussed in Appendix C.2 of the CRISP paper.


Should rho be varied from iteration to iteration? This is discussed in Appendix C.3 of the CRISP paper.

The initial complete run of our ADMM algorithm will yield sparsity in z_1i and z_2i, but not necessarily exact equality of the rows and columns of M.hat. If is TRUE, then the algorithm is run a second time to obtain M.hat with exact equality of the appropriate rows and columns. This issue is discussed further in Appendix C.4 of the CRISP paper.


An object of class crisp, which can be summarized using summary, plotted using plot, and used to predict outcome values for new covariates using predict.

  • M.hat.list: A list of length n.lambda giving M.hat for each value of lambda.seq.

  • num.blocks: A vector of length n.lambda giving the number of blocks in M.hat for each value of lambda.seq.

  • obj.vec: A vector of length n.lambda giving the value of the objective of Eqn (4) in the CRISP paper for each value of lambda.seq.

  • Other elements: As specified by the user.

See Also

crispCV, plot, summary, predict


## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model for a range of tuning parameters, i.e., lambda values
#lambda sequence is chosen automatically if not specified
crisp.out <- crisp(X = data$X, y = data$y)

## End(Not run)

CRISP with Tuning Parameter Selection via Cross-Validation.


This function implements CRISP, which considers the problem of predicting an outcome variable on the basis of two covariates, using an interpretable yet non-additive model. CRISP partitions the covariate space into blocks in a data-adaptive way, and fits a mean model within each block. Unlike other partitioning methods, CRISP is fit using a non-greedy approach by solving a convex optimization problem, resulting in low-variance fits. This function differs from the crisp function in that the tuning parameter, lambda, is automatically selected using K-fold cross-validation. More details are provided in Petersen, A., Simon, N., and Witten, D. (2016). Convex Regression with Interpretable Sharp Partitions. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(94): 1-31 <>.


crispCV(y, X, q = NULL, lambda.min.ratio = 0.01, n.lambda = 50,
  lambda.seq = NULL, fold = NULL, n.fold = NULL, seed = NULL,
  within1SE = FALSE, rho = 0.1, e_abs = 10^-4, e_rel = 10^-3,
  varyrho = TRUE, = FALSE)



An n-vector containing the response.


An n x 2 matrix with each column containing a covariate.


The desired granularity of the CRISP fit, M.hat, which will be a q by q matrix. M.hat is a mean matrix whose element M.hat[i,j] contains the mean for pairs of covariate values within a quantile range of the observed predictors X[,1] and X[,2]. For example, M.hat[1,2] represents the mean of the observations with the first covariate value less than the 1/q-quantile of X[,1], and the second covariate value between the 1/q- and 2/q-quantiles of X[,2]. If left NULL, then q=n is used when n<100, and q=100 is used when n>=100. We recommend using q<=100 as higher values take longer to fit and provide an unneeded amount of granularity.


The smallest value for lambda.seq, as a fraction of the maximum lambda value, which is the data-derived smallest value for which the fit is a constant value. The default is 0.01.


The number of lambda values to consider - the default is 50.


A user-supplied sequence of positive lambda values to consider. The typical usage is to calculate lambda.seq using lambda.min.ratio and n.lambda, but providing lambda.seq overrides this. If provided, lambda.seq should be a decreasing sequence of values, since CRISP relies on warm starts for speed. Thus fitting the model for a whole sequence of lambda values is often faster than fitting for a single lambda value.


User-supplied fold numbers for cross-validation. If supplied, fold should be an n-vector with entries in 1,...,K when doing K-fold cross-validation. The default is to choose fold using n.fold.


The number of folds, K, to use for the K-fold cross-validation selection of the tuning parameter, lambda. The default is 10 - specification of fold overrides use of n.fold.


An optional number used with set.seed() at the beginning of the function. This is only relevant if fold is not specified by the user.


Logical value indicating how cross-validated tuning parameters should be chosen. If within1SE=TRUE, lambda is chosen to be the value corresponding to the most sparse model with cross-validation error within one standard error of the minimum cross-validation error. If within1SE=FALSE, lambda is chosen to be the value corresponding to the minimum cross-validation error.


The penalty parameter for our ADMM algorithm. The default is 0.1.

e_abs, e_rel

Values used in the stopping criterion for our ADMM algorithm, and discussed in Appendix C.2 of the CRISP paper.


Should rho be varied from iteration to iteration? This is discussed in Appendix C.3 of the CRISP paper.

The initial complete run of our ADMM algorithm will yield sparsity in z_1i and z_2i, but not necessarily exact equality of the rows and columns of M.hat. If is TRUE, then the algorithm is run a second time to obtain M.hat with exact equality of the appropriate rows and columns. This issue is discussed further in Appendix C.4 of the CRISP paper.


An object of class crispCV, which can be summarized using summary, plotted using plot, and used to predict outcome values for new covariates using predict.

  • Optimal lambda value chosen by K-fold cross-validation.

  • The index of the model corresponding to the chosen tuning parameter, That is,$lambda.seq[].

  • crisp.out: An object of class crisp returned by crisp.

  • An m-vector containing cross-validation error where m is the length of lambda.seq. Note that[i] contains the cross-validation error for the tuning parameter crisp.out$lambda.seq[i].

  • An m-vector containing cross-validation standard error where m is the length of lambda.seq. Note that[i] contains the standard error of the cross-validation error for the tuning parameter crisp.out$lambda.seq[i].

  • Other elements: As specified by the user.

See Also

crisp, plot, summary, predict, plot.cvError


## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

## End(Not run)

Plots Fit from crisp or crispCV.


This function plots fit of the class crispCV, or class crisp with a user-specified tuning parameter.


## S3 method for class 'crisp'
plot(x, lambda.index, title = NULL, x1lab = NULL,
  x2lab = NULL, min = NULL, max = NULL, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1,
  color1 = "seagreen1", color2 = "steelblue1", color3 = "darkorchid4",

## S3 method for class 'crispCV'
plot(x, title = NULL, x1lab = NULL, x2lab = NULL,
  min = NULL, max = NULL, cex.axis = 1, cex.lab = 1,
  color1 = "seagreen1", color2 = "steelblue1", color3 = "darkorchid4",



An object of class crisp or crispCV, which result from running the crisp or crispCV functions, respectively.


The index for the desired value of lambda, i.e., x$lambda.seq[lambda.index].


The title of the plot. By default, the value of lambda is noted.


The axis label for the first covariate. By default, it is "X1".


The axis label for the second covariate. By default, it is "X2".

min, max

The minimum and maximum y-values, respectively, to use when plotting the fit. By default, they are chosen to be the minimum and maximum of all of the fits, i.e., the minimum and maximum of unlist(x$M.hat.list).


The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex.


The magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex.

color1, color2, color3

The colors to use to create the color gradient for plotting the response values. At least the first two must be specified, or the defaults of "seagreen1", "steelblue1", and "darkorchid4" will be used.


Additional arguments to be passed, which are ignored in this function.




## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model for a range of tuning parameters, i.e., lambda values
#lambda sequence is chosen automatically if not specified
crisp.out <- crisp(X = data$X, y = data$y)
#or fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

#plot the estimated relationships between two predictors and outcome
#do this for a specific fit
plot(crisp.out, lambda.index = 25)
#or for the fit chosen using cross-validation

## End(Not run)

Plots Cross-Validation Curve for crispCV.


This function plots the cross-validation curve for a series of models fit using crispCV. The cross-validation error with +/-1 standard error is plotted for each value of lambda considered in the call to crispCV with a dotted vertical line indicating the chosen lambda.


## S3 method for class 'cvError'
plot(x, showSE = T, ...)



An object of class cvError, which results from calling summary on an object of class crispCV.


A logical value indicating whether the standard error of the curve should be plotted.


Additional arguments to be passed, which are ignored in this function.




## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

#plot the cross-validation error

## End(Not run)

Plot Mean Model for Data.


This function plots the mean model for the scenario from which data was generated using


## S3 method for class ''
plot(x, ...)



An object of class, which results from running the function.


Additional arguments to be passed, which are ignored in this function.



See Also


#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#plot the mean model for the scenario from which we generated data

Predicts Observations for a New Covariate Matrix using Fit from crisp or crispCV.


This function makes predictions for a specified covariate matrix for a fit of the class crispCV, or class crisp with a user-specified tuning parameter.


## S3 method for class 'crisp'
predict(object, new.X, lambda.index, ...)

## S3 method for class 'crispCV'
predict(object, new.X, ...)



An object of class crisp or crispCV, which result from running the crisp or crispCV functions, respectively.


The covariate matrix for which to make predictions.


The index for the desired value of lambda, i.e., object$lambda.seq[lambda.index].


Additional arguments to be passed, which are ignored in this function.


The ith prediction is made to be the value of object$M.hat.list[[lambda.index]] corresponding to the pair of covariates closest (in Euclidean distance) to new.X[i,].


A vector containing the fitted y values for new.X.


## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model for a range of tuning parameters, i.e., lambda values
#lambda sequence is chosen automatically if not specified
crisp.out <- crisp(X = data$X, y = data$y)
#or fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

#we can make predictions for a covariate matrix with new observations
#new.X with 20 observations <- = 20, scenario = 2)
new.X <-$X
#these will give the same predictions:
yhat1 <- predict(crisp.out, new.X = new.X, lambda.index = crispCV.out$
yhat2 <- predict(crispCV.out, new.X = new.X)

## End(Not run)

Simulate Data to Use with crisp.


This function generates data according to the simulation scenarios considered in Section 3 of the CRISP paper (and plotted in Figure 2 of the paper).

Usage, scenario, noise = 1, X = NULL)



The number of observations.


The simulation scenario to use. Options are 1 (additive model), 2 (interaction model), 3 ('tetris' model), or 4 (smooth model), which correspond to the simulation scenarios of Section 3 of the CRISP paper. Each scenario has two covariates.


The standard deviation of the normally-distributed noise that is added to the signal.


The n x 2 covariate matrix, which is automatically generated if not specified.


A list containing:

  • X: An n x 2 covariate matrix.

  • y: An n-vector containing the response values.

  • Other elements: As specified by the user.

See Also

crisp, crispCV


#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package

#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#plot the mean model for the scenario from which we generated data

Summarizes Fit from crisp or crispCV.


This function summarizes fit of the class crispCV or crisp.


## S3 method for class 'crisp'
summary(object, lambda.index = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'crispCV'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class crisp or crispCV, which result from running the crisp or crispCV functions, respectively.


The index for the desired value of lambda, i.e., object$lambda.seq[lambda.index]. By default, fits for all values of lambda are summarized.


Additional arguments to be passed, which are ignored in this function.




## Not run: 
#See ?'crisp-package' for a full example of how to use this package
#generate data (using a very small 'n' for illustration purposes)
data <- = 15, scenario = 2)

#fit model for a range of tuning parameters, i.e., lambda values
#lambda sequence is chosen automatically if not specified
crisp.out <- crisp(X = data$X, y = data$y)
#or fit model and select lambda using 2-fold cross-validation
#note: use larger 'n.fold' (e.g., 10) in practice
crispCV.out <- crispCV(X = data$X, y = data$y, n.fold = 2)

#summarize all of the fits
#or just summarize a single fit
#we examine the fit with an index of 25. that is, lambda of
summary(crisp.out, lambda.index = 25)
#lastly, we can summarize the fit chosen using cross-validation

## End(Not run)